What Is Trauma?
Trauma can be a distinct event, a series of events, or a condition that feels both unbearably painful AND inescapable at the time. People will experience a sudden disconnection from their bodies, and their attention (or mind) will be distracted from their body. Unfortunately, this will lead to a chronic disconnection of the mind from the body, which is a setup for a lot of suffering down the line. People will find themselves be unable to feel joy, a healthy connection with others, and will experience chronic frustration, anger, sadness, or guilt and shame. They will also often suffer from flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, compulsions, or other bothersome symptoms of trauma, like anxiety, self-loathing, withdrawal, dissociation, startle response, low self-esteem, physical symptoms, negative behavioral, thinking and feeling patterns.
Trauma can be caused by abuse, bullying, neglect, witnessing violence, accidents, chronic illness, or feeling victimized in any way. It is estimated that about 80% of the general population has suffered at least one trauma in their lifetime. It will cause the person to be highly reactive to any situation that is reminiscent of how they felt while being traumatized. This will cause some people to live in fear, or to be triggered by everyday situations. This is because trauma gets inscribed into the body’s memory, which can only be extinguished by methods that will reach to that deep, unconscious level. Talk therapy not only does not work to help with trauma, it can harm by re-traumatizing the person by having them re-live those memories.
BSOTR is one of the safest, fastest, and most reliable ways to effectively extinguish body memory of trauma. By re-writing the memories, and replacing them with a positive alternative, the person feels empowered, and traumatic pain is resolved. BSOTR erases the physical symptoms of trauma (flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, startle response, repetition compulsion), gets the person un-stuck, and ready to learn new, healthy coping mechanisms. BSOTR also enables and empowers the person to be a better “parent” to themselves. Thus, BSOTR is a pre-requisite, and creates a blueprint for healthy self-parenting: the key to physical, mental, and relationship health. You can learn more about positive self-parenting by visiting www.yuditmaros.com., or by ordering Apple of My I: The Four Practices of Self-Love by Yudit Maros.